WA State Nomination program for Skilled visas SC 190 and SC 491 is opening soon with invitations resuming in January 2021.

Some of the Nomination criteria have been updated and the changes are the following:
applicants must be currently residing in Australia
those subject to s48 bar will not be eligible for state nomination
applicants under the Graduate stream affected by COVID-19 who completed part of their Western Australian studies online (onshore or offshore) will be able to use those studies to towards the WA study requirement.
Several occupations on the Graduate Occupation List are now marked closed and thus unavaialable for WA State Nomination. Amongst them are for example:
Accountant/Management Accountant/Taxation Accountant
Early Childhood Teacher
Finance Broker/Financial Dealer
Occupational Health and Safety Advisor
Primary/Secondary/Special NeedsTeacher
Urban and Regional Planner
Welfare/Youth Worker
Full list of the occupations available for WA Nominations under the general and graduate streams can be found here
Are you living and/or studying in WA? Contact us today to talk to our Registered Migration Agent about your eligibility for 190/491 Nomination.